
Showing posts from October, 2022

Epic voyage indeed

Yip she's a big boat carrying over 4,100 guests and about 1700 crew.  Everything seems to work with precision and at the same time its all about relaxation.      Popped into Cannes today just as the film festival closed.... so typical French town on a Monday - everything shut!    

Axe throwing in Barcelona anyone? maybe not....


sculptures in stainless steel

Amazing stainless steel sculptures in Barcelona..


Glad they are washing the windows before we go...

Sagrada Familia

Very pleasant day visiting Sagrada Famllia - last time was 21 years ago    Its definitely progressed but the massive crane on the sky line told a story.   Should be finished 2026 over 140 years to build.... 

BPA fan spotted

I was happily people-watching from a good corner cafe at the top of Las Ramblas when spotted this Bradford Park Avenue fan just about to get comfy for the match..... Oh well.    looks like 0-0 half time.... think I'll keep on shopping....

Speedy train

We are upstairs on the double-decker SNEF train going at about 200 mph.   Passing through the  Rhone Valley,   Figueres, Girona over 650 miles - a very scenic blur!!    Need to slow down me thinks!     Still it gets us there in less than 7 hours,    Enjoying the beautiful countryside....  hoping to glimpse the Pyrennes as we are now under blue skies having left the torrents of rain behind in Paris.

Le métro effrayant!!

Had a manic dash across Paris on the metro during the rush hour  to the Gare de Lyon,  with our backpacks and wheely thing.....  I had to have a pain-au-chocolat to calm me doon!       

Retourner en France

After 5 years we are at last back in France with a stopover in Paris arriving during a spectacular downpour, managing to enjoy the lightening show as we dashed to the hotel - arriving happy and drooket! Love the Eurostar and love France (in the rain). Well that's the first two legs done...

All at sea!

Darlington, London, Paris, Barcelona, Cannes, Florence, Pisa, Naples, Sicily, Valetta, Corfu, Santorini, Athens, Mikonos, Rome, Milan, Paris, London, Boldron! I said 'I don't want to fly' so resident travel agent Jeff came up with this (hmmmm I can't swim either).  

Getting ready

Getting ready to go - 8 trains, 6 hotels, 1 boat, 11 ports, 2500 miles, 23 nights,  what to wear!