Santorini to Piraeus/Athens

Woke up in Piraeus harbour just outside Athens.    We were last here about 40 years ago and glad to see it had upgraded a lot!     Got a bus up to the Acropolis and so glad we did as it felt a real privilege to walk about the ancient ruins dating back to 5th Century BC.      

We were a bit cross though having queued up for the tickets in the ‘concessionary line’ to be told very loudly that British OAPs are not entitled to this and must pay full price ‘because you are not in the EU!!!!’.     Humph to that and it cost us 20 euros more!!    Ouch.

Very crowded but easy enough to get around and climb the slopes except for the super-slippery pebble paving – phew!     Don’t know how they managed in their leather pumps back in the day!    I’d hate to try that again on a rainy day!     Plenty plaques with the important facts around so we did easy DIY tour as usual.    

Jeff was asked if I should be thrown to the lions.... seems he couldn't decide

Athens is a huge, sprawling city, so decided to by-pass the centre with its visible smog cloud and head out by bus to the adjacent beaches for the rest of the day and then back on-board where they have decked the restaurants with everything Halloween!!    

We hope no ‘trick or treat’ nonsense tonight but with the number of Americans on board…. who knows?.      Expect there will be pumpkin soup as well.    Ho hum.


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